Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Virtual Console Wishlist - The Bard's Tale

I was very excited when Commodore 64 games started to appear in the US version of the Wii Shopping Channel. Some of my fondest gaming memories came from hours spent in front of the venerable C64. One of my favorite titles that I think would be interesting to remix for the Wii is The Bard's Tale. I loved the mechanics of it: controlling a party of adventurers in turn based battle and exploration. The story was rich yet not so complicated that it seemed cumbersome.

The challenge in this translation would be managing keyboard controls. I wish that wireless keyboards were a bigger part of console gaming. I love the idea of relaxing in my living room, playing classic computer games on my TV, which is exactly where I used to play them in the 1980s. Buying a wireless keyboard would not be an impediment to me enjoying games like the Bard's Tale, however, I do think that it represents a red flag for Nintendo and publishers working on providing the Wii with Virtual Console games.

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